Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A little love and understanding.

Even after exhibiting poor behavior and acting with a very mean demeanor to my children yesterday, I still received an abundance of hugs and I loves you's as they left the house to go face their world. They seem to sense that I was not my usual self. How I appreciate their love and concern and kindness; when non was given to them by me.

This causes me to reflect on my life and actions. I am not proud of the times I anger too quickly, judge to harshly or get annoyed at simple actions. I want to be more than I am now and be better than I have been, because of them.

I have the most amazing children who teach me what it means to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, to forgive instantaneously and to give hope in tommorrow.

Because of my wonderful children my sadness is replaced by joy, my understanding is increased and my sanity restored. Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives.

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About Me

Just trying to get me figured out.